Posted in Books

Heard in Silence Anthology

This was an excellent anthology! Its thirteen stories span a wide variety of genres but all feature deafness in some way. I liked all the stories, some more than others, as always. My favorite one was “Silent Companions”, followed by “Stormy, with a Chance of Logan” and “The Girl in the Pages”. I’ll review each story individually. 

“Invisible” by Saraina Whitney: This story was beautifully written, and I liked the relationship between the characters and would enjoy a full-length story about them. I wasn’t sure where this story was set or what genre it was, though–maybe fantasy?

“Friends of Silence” by Alison Stadt: I loved that this featured a character in high school. This was a sad but encouraging story with a lovely theme of friendship.

“A Deaf Man’s Curse” by K. R. Mattson: This high fantasy story was more action-packed than I usually enjoy reading, but it was okay. The ending was quite unresolved–probably this is the prequel to another story.

“At Least” by Marisa Phillips: This very short story was well-written with a lovely theme of being grateful for what one has.

“Wrapped Gifts of Tranquility” by Kylie Beevers: This lyrically written fantasy story had an excellent theme, but I wanted to know more about the setting and plot.

“Ode to Espionage” by Riley G. Stanch: This alternative history is about the composer Beethoven, who went deaf but continued writing music, which was an interesting premise.

“Silent Companions” by Jaiden Phillips: This story was so well-written and I liked the coastal setting. My favorite parts, though, were the unconventional and supportive friendship and the Christian content.

“Daydreams” by Lorelei Angelino: This story follows a deaf girl endangered by the Nazis. Telsi was a likable character, and by the end I wished the story were longer.

“Stormy, with a Chance of Logan” by Lillian Keith: I liked the characters and the fact that this was set on a camping trip–one of the most fun settings imaginable in my opinion. The writing style was immersive.

“The Girl in the Pages” by Grace A. Johnson: I was captivated from the first sentence, when I learned this story was set in London. It felt very historical and was beautifully written. A small thing that made me inordinately happy was that the author mentioned literary works of the time that are now little-known, which is rare in historical fiction.

“Silent Memories” by Kaytlin Phillips: This well-written fantasy story follows a boy washed up from the sea with no hearing and no memories.

“The Dream” by Autumn Nicole: This contemporary story was well-written with a beautiful theme and a slightly hard-to-follow plot, but I really liked the story anyway.

“Don’t You Care?” by Wilder W.: It’s hard to review a poem, so all I’ll say is that this one was good.

Heard in Silence releases tomorrow! You can add it on Goodreads here or preorder/order it from Amazon here.

I would like to thank the authors for giving me a complimentary ARC. I was not required to write a positive review.

3 thoughts on “Heard in Silence Anthology

  1. This was such a wonderful review, girl!! I’m so glad you liked it! (And yes, the genre and setting were quite vague in my story, but you’re right, I intended it to be a fantasy of sorts! 😆)

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